Send a Soldier a Care Package

Send a Care Package to Troops for Free


Crown Royal has teamed up with Packages From Home for a special promotion that lets you “pack a bag” to send to a member of the U.S. military who is stationed overseas.

Go to the promotional website, and choose four items to put in your package. You can choose from chips, nuts, coffee, lip balm, instant oatmeal, cookies, pretzels and tea. Once you’ve selected the items for you package, you can add a message for a soldier. You cannot select where or who this goes to, so don’t write it your message to anyone specifically. Then, provide your email address and hit “Submit.” Packages From Home will pack everything up and send your care package to a soldier.

This is a random act of kindness to our men and women in the service. I think more company’s should perform more these kinds of promotions.